Friday14 March 2025

In Dnipro, repair work has begun to fill potholes with cold asphalt (PHOTOS, VIDEO).

In the center of Dnipro, potholes are being temporarily patched up.
В Днепре стартовали работы по ремонту ям с использованием холодного асфальта (ФОТО, ВИДЕО).

The utility workers in Dnipro have begun temporary repairs of potholes on the city's roads using the cold asphalt method, which is a short-term solution, as eventually hot asphalt will still need to be laid, reports "Vidomo".

Typically, this work is carried out in the spring, but favorable weather conditions have necessitated a change. The city council assures that this method has several advantages. The ability to repair at low temperatures – cold asphalt allows for work even during winter months when hot mixtures cannot be used.

Currently, "patches" are being placed in the central part of the city. How long-lasting this patching will be remains to be seen.