Thursday13 March 2025

In one of the residential areas of Dnipro, unknown individuals are cutting down healthy pine trees (PHOTOS).

In Dnipro, on the Severny residential area, someone is destroying healthy pine trees.
В одном из жилых районов Днепра неизвестные вырубают здоровые сосны (ФОТО)

Residents of the Northern residential area in Dnipro have noticed that someone is cutting down healthy pine trees in the forest. It remains unclear who is responsible for this and why. This information was reported in the Facebook community "Northern Residential Area," as conveyed by "Vydomo."

"Good morning, best neighborhood! Something strange is happening in our forest. Has anyone seen anything?" – the message states.

In the comments, locals speculated that the trees were cut down for firewood.

However, coniferous tree species (such as pine, spruce, larch, and cedar) contain a significant amount of resin. This leads to sparking during combustion and emits a distinctive smell along with a large amount of black smoke, making it a poor choice for heating purposes.

As is known, according to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses (КУоАП), illegal logging, damage, and destruction of forest crops and seedlings (Article 65) result in fines: for individuals – from 510 to 1020 UAH, and for officials – from 2550 to 5100 UAH.

For the destruction or damage of green spaces, individual trees outside of populated areas and within them, not classified as forest fund, or their illegal logging, according to Article 153 of КУоАП, fines are imposed: for individuals from 170 to 510 UAH, and for officials or entrepreneurs – from 510 to 850 UAH.

Moreover, criminal liability is also provided for the aforementioned actions. According to Article 246 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, illegal logging of trees or shrubs in forests, protective and other forest plantations, as well as the transportation, storage, and sale of illegally felled trees may be punishable by restriction of freedom for up to 3 years, from 3 to 5 years, and in cases of severe consequences – from 5 to 7 years.

Previously, we reported that unknown vandals are cutting down young trees in Dnipro.