Power outage schedules were implemented on Monday, February 3, in several regions of Ukraine, specifically in the Sumy, Poltava, and Kirovohrad regions.
"In the region, GAV has been applied! Dear consumers! According to the order from NEC "Ukrenergo," on February 3 at 08:25, a command was received to initiate the 1-2 queue of GAO," the message from Poltavaoblenergo and the Poltava OVA states.
Meanwhile, "Kirovohradoblenergo" indicated that emergency outage schedules have been in effect in the region since 8:30.
Additionally, JSC "Sumyoblenergo" reported that from 8:30 on February 3, in accordance with the directive from NEC "Ukrenergo," emergency outage schedules have been introduced in the Sumy region.
"The reason for implementing the emergency outage schedules is network overload," the company clarified.
DTEK also announced the implementation of emergency outages in the Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk regions.