Friday14 March 2025

Scientists predict the resurgence of a magnetic storm: when it will occur and its intensity.

The Sun has prepared geomagnetic gifts for Earth in the form of 4 and 5-point magnetic storms.
Ученые предсказывают возобновление магнитной бури: когда это произойдет и насколько сильным будет шторм.

Currently, there is no magnetic storm on Earth, but space weather forecasters are warning of a storm that will soon begin. This will be triggered by a flare from the Sun.

According to data from Meteoagent, which bases its forecast on satellite systems from NOAA, TESIS, and international meteorological laboratories worldwide, minimal magnetic activity is currently observed on Earth as of January 27. This is expected to last nearly until the end of the week; however, a moderate geomagnetic storm rated at 4 is anticipated on February 1.

At the same time, scientists from the space weather research site Spaceweather warn that a new coronal mass ejection (CME) is headed toward Earth.

According to NOAA meteorologists, the CME could graze Earth as it passes by. If so, a G1 class geomagnetic storm, which is minor, may occur on January 29.

As a reminder, "Telegraph" previously reported on which region of Ukraine will see air temperatures reaching +16 degrees on January 28. This forecast was provided by meteorologist Igor Kibalchich.