The "red" magnetic storm that persisted on Monday, January 21, has already decreased its intensity to "orange" level by Tuesday. However, space weather forecasters are warning about a large sunspot that has turned towards Earth.
Sunspot 3961 is one of the largest sunspots of the 25th solar cycle. It has been growing for several days and possesses a "beta-gamma-delta" magnetic field, which contains energy for X-class flares, as reported by scientists from the space weather research site Spaceweather.
Experts caution that this sunspot could trigger a significant geomagnetic explosion that is likely to head towards Earth.
According to the forecast by Meteoagent, which bases its predictions on NOAA satellite systems, TESIS, and scientific international meteorological laboratories worldwide, as of January 21, a moderate magnetic storm is currently affecting Earth with a level of 4. On the following day, January 22, no "red" level geomagnetic fluctuations are expected.
A "green" level of fluctuations is predicted to continue until the end of the week.
As a reminder, "Telegraph" previously reported on how long the anomalously warm weather in Ukraine is expected to last.