Sunday09 March 2025

March will arrive alongside a magnetic storm. What will its intensity be, and how long will it last?

February will end with geomagnetic storms.
Март начнется с магнитной бури. Узнайте, насколько сильной она будет и как долго продлится.

The Earth is experiencing a moderate geomagnetic storm. Scientists warn that a storm will persist in early March, and its intensity could escalate to "red" levels.

Minor G1-class geomagnetic storms are possible on March 1, when solar wind is expected to impact the Earth's magnetic field. Gaseous material is emanating from a large hole in the Sun's atmosphere, which is facing the Earth, as reported by astrophysicists on the Spaceweather website.

Meanwhile, according to the updated schedule on the Meteoagent website, which bases its forecasts on NOAA satellite systems, TESIS, and international meteorological laboratories worldwide, a moderate geomagnetic storm of level 4 is expected to persist on Wednesday, February 26. The next day, it will take a break.

However, it will regain strength on February 28, and such a storm is predicted to continue until the end of the current week.

Recall that earlier "Telegraph" reported that snow is still forecasted in Ukraine in March. However, whether frosts will leave with winter was explained by meteorologists.