Friday07 March 2025

It's not about a premonition of death: researchers discovered why dogs howl and which breeds are the most "talkative."

Experts point out that a dog's behavior can be adjusted. Instead of telling the dog to "stop," it's more effective to offer rewards to prevent the animal from howling.
Исследования показали, почему собаки воют и какие породы оказываются самыми "разговорчивыми", а не в предчувствиях смерти.

Many people believe that dogs howl because they sense an impending death. However, according to veterinarian Dr. Jeff Werber, dogs howl to communicate with their owners or other dogs and to make their presence known, writes Daily Paws.

Additionally, howling in pets can also be caused by stress or anxiety, often accompanied by pacing back and forth.

A puppy may howl when dreaming. During the active phase of sleep, it might howl, bark, or growl, move its paws or tail, breathe rapidly, chew, or tremble. The sounds and movements may relate to the emotions expressed by the puppy in its dreams.

When howling, a dog may tilt its head upwards. Some believe that the animal howls at the moon. In reality, this helps to straighten its vocal cords and improve airflow. Others suggest that howling at the moon allows sound waves to travel further.

By the way, a dog's howling does not indicate the approach of death. There is no evidence that dogs possess psychic abilities.

Dog Breeds That Howl the Most

These include:

  • basset hound;
  • redbone coonhound;
  • blue tick coonhound;
  • beagle;
  • bloodhound;
  • dachshund;
  • siberian husky;
  • alaskan malamute;
  • alaskan klee kai;
  • shiba inu;
  • coton de Tulear.

Experts suggest that concern is warranted when a dog is left alone at home and howls continuously. In such cases, it is essential to identify the reasons behind this behavior.

Trainer and certified veterinary behaviorist Kenneth Martin noted that it is possible to modify the animal's behavior. He advises against reacting negatively or saying "stop." Instead, it is recommended to "catch" the dog before it starts howling, call it over, and offer a reward—like a treat.

Remember, there are foods that can kill your dog. Such items should be kept out of the pet's reach.

After a few days, it was revealed why dogs shake off water near us. Scientists have discovered the corresponding gene.