11 декабря в Украине будут отключать свет / фото ua.depositphotos.com1

On Wednesday, December 11, throughout the day, time and volume restrictions will be applied to both residential and industrial consumers.

"Ukrenergo" reported that for residential consumers, the schedules will be in effect from 07:00 to 22:00. "For residential consumers: 07:00 - 08:00 - one queue of outages; 08:00 - 20:00 - two queues of outages; 20:00 - 22:00 - one queue of outages," the statement said.

For industry and businesses, outages will also occur from 07:00 to 22:00.

"Ukrenergo" noted that the reason for the temporary introduction of restrictions is the damage to energy facilities as a result of Russian missile and drone attacks on energy infrastructure.

They added that repair work on energy facilities is ongoing. Energy workers are striving to return the equipment damaged by the enemy to operation as quickly as possible.

Ukrenergo pointed out that the timing and volume of restrictions throughout the day may change.

"Please do not turn on several high-power devices simultaneously when power is restored according to the schedule," the company urged Ukrainians.

11 декабря в Украине будут отключать свет / фото ua.depositphotos.com2© photo DTEK 11 декабря в Украине будут отключать свет / фото ua.depositphotos.com3© photo DTEK 11 декабря в Украине будут отключать свет / фото ua.depositphotos.com4© photo DTEK 11 декабря в Украине будут отключать свет / фото ua.depositphotos.com5© photo DTEK

Situation with the Energy System in Ukraine

The Russian Federation is doing everything possible to completely destroy Ukraine's energy system before the New Year. Experts noted that restoring damaged equipment takes between 10 to 14 days.

Recall that the last massive strike, including on energy facilities, was delivered by the Russians on November 28.

The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant has found itself on the brink of blackout for the third time this month

Three Ukrainian nuclear power plants have almost fully restored electricity production, according to the IAEA

Starting in January, Ukraine plans to change the principles of power outages, according to the media